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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  November 11, 2012 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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who have served and given thality mate sacrifice to our nation. let's walk for just a moment, as the president of the united states, and first lady, michelle obama and vice-president biden and others honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. >> jamie: we have seen the color guard. the wreath laying will be followed by "taps." the president will speak later in the amphitheater. it's a very emotional day for everyone who knows a vet or knows a vet, and also the living veterans, whom we owe a huge thank you, immeasurable terms. these sights and ceremonies are historic. every year, we see the president or a designee. the president will have a moment of silence and we will observe it as well. you did -- you can hear the
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flashes of the camera, as we watch the ceremony unfoal. >> eric: the 11th hour, of the 11th day of the 11th month has been veterans day to honor all of those who have served. you canee the president walking up to the tomb of the unknowns.
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[star spangled banner playing]
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[playing "taps"]
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[playing "america the beautiful "] >> jamie: as they make their way
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to the ampitheater, where president obama will speak about veterans veterans and to veterans and their families, earlier this morning, the president and the first lady hosted a breakfast for veterans at the white house. as we all remember those who have given their lives and also those who actively serve for our freedom. marm bob scales is one of those, a retired army general and fox news analyst. the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month has brought a deep resonance and meaning for all of us. we start, general scales, by welcoming you on this day that is so important and telling us what it means for you. >> thank you, jamie. it's a great honor to be here approximate to honor our veterans. vireflected on this ceremony, one of the things that strikes me, this is probably the last veterans day that will honor those men and women who are
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currently in action. next veterans day, the american combat presence in afghanistan will be over. a lot of old guys like me, of course, have served in past wars. but this is a particular moment foritous honor the men and women who served in iraq and afghanistan. many of them 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 tour, going back year after year for almost a decade. while most of these veterans come out of their service in south asia in good shape. there are a few who suffer mental, emotional and physical trauma. this is the time, i think, jamie, probably perhaps more than any other that we should reflect on our living veterans and our veterans coming back from war, looking forrions, looking for health care, looking for veterans benefits, all of those things that our young min and women who served our country so honorably deserved. >> jamie: is this an opportunity for us to give thanks and tribute to those who return from
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vietnam and conflicks where we weren't as aware of recognizing their needs? >> you know, that's one of the great things, i so much admire about this current generation, not -- in addition to the soldiers and sailors, also the american people. you know, when i came back from war in 1969, it wasn't a happy event. many of us took off our uniforms and went home in civilian clothes. today, the soldiers get on first, when go to an airport, total strangers shake the hands of a young soldier in uniform. when a solar comes home from war, he is honored by his neighbors and schoolmates and organization. this is a jeoperational shift. i think it is one of the most remarkable things about our society, that today we respect and admire soldiers more than we have ever in our history. >> jamie: everyone here at fox is so grateful. please, stay with us. the president is making his way to the ampitheater, where we will hear his remarks live.
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>> eric: on this morning, our nation honors our veterans and those who have given their lives
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to this nation. we are followed the ceremony at arlington gnarl cemetery at the tomb of the unknowns. the president will speak in aify moments at amphitheater. the president's proclamation, we show the veterans our deepest thanks and securing more than 2 centuries of american progress. the legacy affirms no matter what confronts us, there is no challenge we cannot overcome. words from the president of the united states on this very special day. >> jamie: there is a lot going on in the nation. across the river from arlington gnarl cemetery, it is vietnam veterans memorial wall. dozens are gathering to mark 30 years since the memorial was first built. steve centanni is there leave. it's always emotional to see family members and veterans to read the names of their loved ones or those who they served with. >> reporter: always emotional. this is one of the most popular
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memorials in washington. this is veterans day. but every day of the year, you have hundreds and hundreds, thousands of people lining up, walking slowly, solemnly along that wall, looking at the names, carved in the black granite. looking at their reflections in the names and reflecting on the past. this is a war where 58,000 americans lost their lives. it's a tremendous, emotional scar for many, many people who lost those loved bon ones and knew people who did. the vietnam memorial, a huge attraction here in washington, d.c., want only on memorial day. but i am here because we are honoring the veterans of all wars. the president's going to speak in a little while. we will carry that live. but just wanted to take a look at what is happening here. there will be a arm at 1:00 with the secretary of veterans affairs. >> jamie: let me ask you this. maybe your cameraman, we appreciate seeing you, but pan
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back over to the wall. i want to you describe for folks, what do do you when you go to the wall? we see people put a piece of paper up there, two people were doing it on that shot. they can inscribe the names of their loved one or comrade. how does that work? >> reporter: yeah. you put a piece of paper on the wall, on the name of your loved one and you're tracing it, putting a lead pepsil on a piece of paper and where the name is indented or carved doesn't show up. so have you white on black. the name white on black, as you trace it onto the piece of paper. another very popular thing is to leave mementose below the panel where the nam of your loved one appears. there is a collection of those in the smithsonian institution. >> jamie: oh, really. we can see a wreath. what a beautiful and almost spiritual way to remember
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someone to come to that memoryiasm you say people are there every day, not just today. >> reporter: a hugely popular attraction in washington. they don't -- people are not prepared when they come here for the emotional impact the. they say, oh, yeah, we have to see the vietnam memorial. but whether they get here, they are just in shock because of the solemn nature of it, the overwhelming number of names on the wall. the power of the ark techure, the black granite, carved into the earth, as if it were a scar in the earth and a scar on america's memory of that terrible war. they are overwhelmed, generally, when they come here. >> jamie: it's quite beautiful to see. i am glad it's there and that you are there. i want to mention. i have reached out to a number of veterans i know and i have gotten a number of emails, including from the general who is leading the 101st and he is at the kuwait airport. the brotherhood, among those who
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serve is -- can't be put into worsd. >> reporter: absolutely. >> jamie: thank you, steve. >> reporter: absolutely. you really feel that here. there was just a group when you first came it me, you might have seen it -- a group posing for a reunion photo, a group who served together in vietnam all of those years ago. >> caller: thank you. >> eric: such a special and poignant day. let's look across the river with the president of the united states with his hand over his heart. in his proclamation, he says we pay tribute to our wounded, our missing, our fallen and their families, women and women who know the true cost of conflict and deserve our deepest respect. retired army general and fox military analyst, general scales is here. have you served, your father has served. it is a day to remember right now, there are many families who do not have their loved one with them. they are deployed in afghanistan
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or they could be in south korea or in japan, or germany or a variety of places, precking our nation, at this moment. >> yeah, that's right. one of the sad points, i would like to remark on steve's presentation, i have the names of 12 of my soldiers, my unit in vietnam on the wall that. wall means a great deal to me. and to your point, it means a great deal to the young men and women who are serving now, a generation before me, still in harm's way and living in terrible circumstances and some very dangerous places of the world, like afghanistan, who themselves are taking a moment today to reflect on their service. so this is a very, very... a very emotional day for me and for all of those in my generation and today's generation who have served. >> eric: do you think, general, we have lost that or it's become stronger recently? i remember the p.o.w. bracements
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in the vietnam bar and especially poignant this morning, we find out another nato soldier's been killed in afghanistan, shot dead by another guy in an army afghan uniform t. goes on and on, as we see this continuing. >> you know, what i find so interesting, the nation is tired of war, but the nation's not tired of its veterans. this is remarkable in american history, the american people are tired of a decade of war. but their enthusiasm, support and love for our veterans and for the sacrifices they have made is still there. my generation was an entirely different one. but this generation stanes tall and proud with their comrades whether they come back from war. you notice, as i said earlier, in airports and public places, where soldiers are proud to wear the uniforms, whereas in my generation, they never did. >> jamie: we have the pledge of
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allegiance coming up and we will go to that, of course, when it happens. what do you want to hear the president say today? >> i guess i want him to say today, what he said in the past... veterans days, that he supports our men and women, that the wars may be unpopular, but support for our soldiers is -- still has to remain. i hope that he pledges continued support to them and that he admires the sacrifices that all of them made. remember, everyone one in combat today is a volunteer. that's an important point to make. >> the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible with libertiy and justice for all. >> please be seated. it is now my distinct froij
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introduce the members of the veterans day national committee, the committee was formed by presidential order in 1954, to hold this annual observaance in honor of america's veterans and to encourage and support veterans day observances throughout the nation. please hold your applause until i have introduced these special guests. if you are able, please stand, when i call your name. rick delaney, national...? >> general scales was talking about thanks our veterans in uniform. it is veterans day, but maybe you can do it every day, when you see a military member in service, just say thawrchtion, thank you for your service, wherever you see. them. we'll continue with our special live coverage of veterans day in just a moment. it [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso.
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>> jamie: well if you can, thank a veteran today for all they do. we are awaiting the presidents's comments to veterans and their families, gathered in washington at arlington nationality cemetery and they're at the ampitheater right now. you can see t. we have major general bob scales, still with us. you mentioned that the vietnam memorial wall, that you have, i believe 12 of your comrades, their names are posted. sadly, they are want with us. what does it -- describe the emotion of someone in the military who goes to visit the wall t. must be very different, the perspective than a family member or a civilian? >> yeah, jamie. it's almost like touching history. i have been there many times. i was there at the unveiling in the 80s. it's a hoc to go down to chronology and get to the
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13th of june, 1969, run your fingers across the names of people like private worrell, private waddle, private and areson, private jones, all these kid, 18, 19 years old in the 101st, who i saw die in front of me. i was their commander. i think some 45 years on, i still have a place in my heart where i think time and time again, what could i have done different or better to keep those soldiers alive? because the shock of close combat in vietnam brought these young men of the rest of -- robbed these young men of the rest of their lives. and those of us in leadership positions understand the enormous responsibility we have, whenever one of our young men or women dice under our command, sitting down at night as i did in a bunker, writing a note to their parents is probably one of the most riching experiences a
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citizen can ever experience. >> jamie: those please forgive me, those who know me know that arlington is in virginia. that's the price of leadership, to have that experience when guto the wall, to know and think about, did i did everything ik could to save those that reported to me? >> >> a young kid, 24, 25 years old. not far out of west scpoint ranger school. and i think back to this -- thoday, what could i have done differently? how could i have better protected my perimeter to keep those soldiers alive isn't burden of command, whether it's a plew play toon or a command ear. >> jamie: general. >> i'm sorry. >> jamie: forgive me, speaking of command, the secretary of veterans affairs is speaking now. we want to listen in. >> veterans and veterans
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families. >> medal of honor recipient, secretary solits, senatormerkowski, and other department of defense leer, vice-president chairman and mrs. winifeld, other leaders of our uniformed services, and deputy secretary scott gould, other v.a. colleague, once again, rick delaney, national president of the retired enlisted association, our co-host for this year's celebration, representatives of all of our other veterans service organizations, fellow veterans, other distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. 94 years ago today, the guns of world war i fell silent all along the western front. today, we gather at this sacred national shrine to honor and
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thank americans of every generation who throughout our history have answered the call to -- the call of duty to safeguard our nation during time of war and during periods of restless peace. 22 million veterans, american veterans today have distinguished themselves by their service and uniform. their devotion and sacrifice are the bedrock of our sovereignty as a nation, our values as a people, our security as a democracy and our offer of hope to those and other lands who dream of the freedoms that we enjoy. the service of veterans has provided all of us the gift of liberty, though the men of world one one are gone, we represent every generation since. so as we googhter today, before the start of the coming science
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of both thanksgiving and gift giving, we are grateful for the blessings bestowed on our country, this legacy of liberty continues. for the past 11 years, our men and women of armed forces have stood watch in iraq, afghanistan, and europe and korea and more than 150 other countries around the globe. more than 1.5 million veterans have served in combat in the compat theaters of iraq and afghanistan and the horn of africa. since 9/11, nearly 3 million veterans have departed the military, having fulfilled their duty to the nation. nearly four years ago, the president asked me to do two things. first, make things better for veterans. now. and then transform the department of veterans affairs to better serve veterans well into the 21st century. and in doing so, he also provided leadership and support that resulted in increases to
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the v.a.'s budgets by nearly 40% between 2009 and this year, 2013. these are the resources, which have greatly enhanced the care and services we are able to provide to millions of veterans. well over 800,000 of them have been added to the v.a. health care role since 2009. disability compensation for 3.53 million veterans, including more than 359,000 who are 100% disabled. over $10 billion in annual education benefits to more than a million student veterans and eligible family members. if i'my, the count row's largest national cemetery system, 131 cemeteries, where veterans are laid to rest and national shrines befitting their service special sacrifice. and finally, one hast time, let
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me acknowledge the wonders of first lady and dr. biden by their joint forces initiative. i want to thank them both for their genuine care and care for service members, veterans andl families. veterans couldn't ask for stronger advocates than the president, first lady, vice-president and lady. i want to present to you the commandener chief of the united states of america, barack obama. [applause] >> thank you. thank you so much. please, everybody, be seated. good morning, everyone. thank you, secretary, for a lifetime of service to our nation, for being such a tireless adrocate on behalf of
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america's veteran, including your fellow vietnam veterans. to rick delaney, to vice-president biden, to admiralmi winifeld, major general lennington, our outstanding veterans service organizations are men and women in uniform, active, guard and reserve and most of all to the proud veterans and family members joining us in this sacred place, it's a privilege and an honor to be with all of you here today. each year, on the 11th day of the 11th month, we pause as a nation and as a people to pay tribute to you, to thank you, to honor you, the heroes over the generations who have served this country of ours with
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distinction. momes ago, i laid a wreath to remember every service member who has ever worn our nation's uniform. on this day, first and foremost belongs to them and their loved ones. the father and market, the husband special wife, the brother and sister, the comrade and the friend who when we leave here today will continue to walk these quiet hills and kneel before the final resting place of those they cherish most. on behalf of the american people, i say to you that the memory of your loved ones carries on not just in your hearts, but in ours as well. i assure you that their sacrifice will never be forgotten. for it is in that sacrifice that we see the enduring prt --
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spirit of america. we have been blessed with an unbroken chain of patriots, who have always come forward to serve. whenever america's come under attack, you have risen to her defense. whenever our freedoms have come under assault, you have opinionedded with resolve. time and again, at home and abroad, you and your families have sacrificed to protect that powerful promise that all of us hold so dear. life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. today, a proud nation expresses our gratitude. but we do so mindful that no ceremony or parade, no hug or handshake is enough to truly honor that service. for that, we must do more. for that, we must commit, this day and every day, to serving
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you as well as you have served us. i spoke here 3 years ago, i spoke about today's generation of service members. this 9/11 generation who stepped forward after the towers fell and in the years since have stepped into history, writing one of the greatest chapters of military service our country has ever known. you toppled a dictator and battled an insurgency in iraq. you pushed back the taliban and decimated al qaeda in afghanistan. you delivered justice to osama bin laden. tour after tour, year after year, you and your families have done all that this country has asked. you have done that and more. three years ago, i promised your generation that when your tour comes to an end, when you see our flag, when you touch our
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soil, you will be welcomed home to an america that will forever fight for you, just as hard as you fought for us. so long as i have the honor of serving as your commandener chief, that is a promise that we will never stop working to keep. this is the first veterans day in a decade in which there are no american troops fighting and dying in iraq. [applause] 33,000 of our troops have notice returned from afghanistan and the transition there is underway. after a decade of war, our heroes are coming home. and over the next few years, more than a million service members will transition back to civilian life. they will take off their uniforms and take on a new and lasting role. they will be veterans.
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they come home, ift falls to us, their fellow citizens, to be there for them and their families. not just now, but always. not just for the first few years, but for as long as they walk this earth. to this day, we still care for the child of a civil war veteran. to this day, we care for over 100 spouses and children of the men who fought in the spanish american war of just last year, i came here to pay tribute as frank buckle, the last remaining american veteran of world war i was laid to rest. frank stepped up and served in world war i for 2 years. but the united states of america kept its commitment to serve him for many decades that followed. so long after the battle's end, long after our heroes come home, we stay by their side.
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that's who we are. that's who we will be for today's returning service members and their families. because no one who fights for this country overseas should ever have to fight for a job or a roof over their head or the care that they have earned when they come home. we know the most urgent task many of you face is fining a new way to serve. so we have made it a priority to help you find jobs worthy of your incredible skills and talents. that's why thanks to the hard work of mishle and joe biden, some of our most patriotic businesses have hired or trained 125,000 veterans and military spouses. it is why we are transforming for the first time in decades, how the military transitions
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service members from the battlefield to the workplace. because you deserve to hair in the opportunities that you defend, we are making sure that the post 9/11 g.i. bill stays strong so you can earn a college education and pursue your dreams. [applause] if you find yourself struggling with the wounds of war, which is post traumatic stress disorder, a traumatic brain injury, we will be there for you as well, with the care and treatment that you need. no veteran should have to wait months or years for the benefits that you have earned. so we will continue to attack the claims backlog. we won't let up. we will not let up. as we mark the 50th anniversary of the vietnam war, we have secured new disability benefits for vietnam-era
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veteran, exposed to agent orange. you needed it, you fought for it, and we got it done [applause] that's what we do in america. we take care of our own. we take care of our veterans. we take care of your families. not just by saluting you on one day, once a year. but by fighting for you and your families every day, of every year. that's our obligation. a sacred obligation to all of you. it's an obligation that we gladly accept, for americans like petty officer tailor morris. six months, taylor was serving our nation in afghanistan, as a member of an explosive ordnance explosive team, his job was one of the most dangerous, to lead the way through a territory
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littered with explosives, to clear the way for his brothers in arms. on may 3, out on patrol, taylor stepped on an ied. the blast threw him into the air. when he hit the ground, taylor realized both his legs were gone and his left arm: and his right hand. but as taylor lay there, fully conscious, bleeding to death, he cautioned the medics to wait before rushing his way. he feared another ied was nearby. taylor's concern wasn't for his own life, it was for theirs. eventually, they cleared the area. they tended to taylor's wounds, they carried him off the battlefield. and days later, taylor was carried into walter reid, where he became only the fifth american treated there to survive the amputation of all
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four limbs. taylor's recovery's been long and it has has been arduous. a few months after the attack, with prosthetics and the love and support of his family and above all, his girlfriend, danielle, who never life his side, he wasn't just walking. in a video that went viral, the world watched he and danielle dance again. i have often said the most humbling part of my job is serving as commander in chief. one of the reasons is that every day, i get to meet heroes. i met taylor at walter reid and then in july, at the white house, i presented him with the purple heart. right now, hanging on a wall in the west wing is a photo of that day, taylor smiling wide, standing tall.
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i should point out that taylor couldn't make it here today because me and danielle are out kayaking. [applause] in taylor, we see the best of america. the spirit that says when we get knocked down, we rise again. when times are tough, we come together. when one of us falters, we lift them up. in this country, we take care of our own, especially our veteran who is have served us so bravely and sacrificed so selflessly in our name. we carry on knowing that our best days always lie ahead. on this day, we thank all of our veterans from all of our wars,
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not just for your service to this country, but for reminding us why america is and always will be the greatest nation on earth. god bless you. god bless our veteran, god bless our men and women in uniform. god bless these united states of america. thank you very much. [applause] >> please rise and join the united states navy band in singing "god bless america."
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[god bless america] please
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remain standing as we retire the colors. retire the colors. [triumphant music playing]
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>> eric: what a scene, especially with the older veterans. the president saying a proud nation excess expresses our gratitude, noting thats this is the first veterans day in a decade that there are no soldiers in iraq. a tribute to taylor morris, a quadruple amputee who got married and couldn't come today because he is kayaking. >> jamie: we will take a quick break. i want to thank everyone for the
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photos of the vets. they are all in our hearts and mines today. we'll be right back. [ man ] ring ring... progresso this reduced sodium soup says it mahelp lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just he to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. but i still have a runny nose. [ male announcer ] dayquil doesn't treat that. huh? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus rushes relief to all your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ sighs ] thank you! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. why they have a raise your rate cd. tonight our guest, thomas sargent. nobel laureate in economics, and one of the most cited economists in the world. professor sargent, can you tell me what cd rates will be in two years? no.
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if he can't, no one can. that's why ally has a raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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>> jamie: we want to update ow how folks are doing after super storm sandy. thens are still living in long island, new york, without electricity. why can't they restore power? senator dean skelas is a state senator and majority leader from, long island, new york, a district you near, sir, that is particularly hard hit. what is the holdup? >> lwe near oceanside now. and as beautiful as the weather is, as devastated as this community long beach and many of the other communities along the south shore of long island. our power authority has totally failed in terms of communicating
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to the public so they know when power will be restored. and they admit that. and also, they were want prepared for this hurricane and the noreaster that came shortly thereafter. >> jamie: that's the part i am most curious about. everybody knew the storm was coming. it is not the first storm we have ever had. do they not maintain things over the time leading up to the storm? or have a backup plan, in order to not allow everyone to suffer the way they are? the long island power authority? >> obviously, they didn't. because two weeks later, there are people without electricity and many of them without any hope of electricity. that's why i, along with congressman king and congressman israel, have asked the president of the united states to bring all the forces of the federal government in to rebuild our infrom structure. powering the houses is number 1. but our sewage facilities. some of the sewage facilities
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are dumping untreated waste into the bay. they have to be rebuilt. our water supply system has to be rebuilt. this is something that the federal government has the experience of doing, and i know local officials would welcome them with open arms. >> jamie: you know, the u.s. army corps of engineer, one of the federal authorities has been asked to be brought in by you and congressman king and others, you know, i made the point yesterday that they helped put electricity into bagdad and kabul and this is long island. everyone there, including yourself, still waiting, it is hard to believe. >> total frustration. i understand, those who have not had power, kids sleeping in cold rooms. this is our katrina on long island. we need a better response from the federal government. >> jamie: senator, your talking out will hopefully get you that. thank you for being with us. >> thank you for the time. >> eric: absolutely


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